Cyber ​​Security Strategy | Cyber Rangers


Cyber ​​Security Strategy you know how to achieve a safer digital environment

A cyber security strategy should provide a clear path for the company to achieve a more secure environment in all aspects of cyber and information security. The strategy points to a clear and transparent commitment of the organization to behave responsibly and in the interest of a proper householder. With us, you can create a strategic document that everyone will love and cherish with the goal of being able to go back to work tomorrow.

What you get with the service

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We will prepare with you a clear vision and mission of cyber security that the organization should follow

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In the strategy, we will take into account all the regulations that are applied to you and, if necessary, we will consult everything with our legal team.

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We will use our security analysis methodology for the construction, thereby revealing the weak points of your security protection

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In the preparation of the strategy, we will include both the concerns of the management and the relevant requirements of the technical protection teams.

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We identify Low Hanging Fruits (Low Effort, High Impact) measures and prioritize others into a short, medium and long term plan

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We will create a budget for security measures based on our knowledge and experience of supplier solutions

Our quality standard

  • We focus not only on words, but on meaningful content that has something to say

  • We analyze, assess and evaluate truly effective and functional foundations for a cyber security strategy

  • We communicate transparently and if we don't know something, we will get the information and add it

  • The strategy created by us will not only be a mandatory commitment of everyone in the company, but will be fulfilled by people voluntarily

Working closely