Cyber Rangers

We will test the cyber resilience of your organization

Thoroughly. Comprehensively.

With techniques used by hackers.

We are ethical hackers.

We help companies and institutions to prepare for cyber threats. We perform testing, organise training sessions, provide consultancy and education. To make the world a safer place.

We're here when you need to...

  • ascertain the severity of a threat
  • prepare your company for potential dangers
  • mitigate the consequences of an attack
more about services


Good software and hardware is the foundation of strong protection.


There is no substitute for experience. Invest in training your people to detect threats and know how to address them.


An important component of security. So that everyone knows what to do in a critical situation.

We don’t just describe things. We show you real threats.

01/ advantages

hacker perspective

Validate how resilient you are in practice, not on paper

Hackers don't play fair. They are not concerned with if your security system is ISO certified, but if it can be breached. At Cyber Rangers, we do the same. We train you to look at security through the hackers' perspective and demonstrate the most serious risks to your organization.


Keep up with hacker communities

We are constantly monitoring the hacker community environment, mapping their strategies and methods. We immediately put new knowledge into practice. It's easier to prepare for an enemy you know.


Improve your defence now and in proportion to your capabilities

Ensuring cyber security is a long haul. And expensive software often doesn't get you there. For each customer, we design an optimal path tailored to their financial capabilities and security maturity level.

From our experience, organizations often fail to realize that strong security not only protects their data, systems and know-how, but also their employees, business partners and customers. It is part of the company's responsibility. The risk of an attack can be significantly reduced without the need for expensive investments in robust solutions.

Daniel Hejda

Co-founder and ethical hacker

We build on mutual trust

02/ values

We don't favor any supplier

We assess security solutions objectively, knowing their strengths and weaknesses. We recommend and propose solutions, not suppliers.

Confidentiality is always affirmed by a contract

Internal information never gets outside a predefined circle of people. All our cooperation begins with the signing of a non-disclosure agreement.

We are looking for ways to improve, not the guilty ones

When we discover a mistake, we don't address who made it, but why it happened and how to avoid it in the future.

Working closely

We spread awareness, we share our experience.

03/ insights

Our mission is to raise the level of security in organizations and institutions. Using various forms and channels, we bring information and experience that cannot be found elsewhere in the Czech region.


more podcasts

Ransomware ve výrobní firmě: 3 útoky, 3 lekce

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CYB3R Club #11: Kybernetická bezpečnost se Štěpánem Huzlíkem

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Ověřování zdrojů, novinařina a internetové podvody s Jirkou Burýškem

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Jindřich Karásek

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Bezpečnost AI platforem je tragická aneb jak se nám líbilo na Texas Cyber Summit 2023

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Šamanismus a pohledy do křištálové koule vs kvantitativní analýza rizik.

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Velmi zajímavý gadget DSTIKE&SPACEHUHN aneb jak snadno hacknout Wi-Fi

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CYB3R Club #5 - Jindřich Kalíšek


CYB3R Club #3 - Jan Pilař

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CYB3R Club #2 - OSEP and C|OSINT certifications

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CYB3R Club #1 - Michal Horáček

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SOC is about people. And it's not for everyone.

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Trénink Financujte kybernetickou bezpečnost efektivně - na základě spočítaných rizik

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LLMNR Poisoning v praxi!

Dnes si ukážeme kritickou zranitelnost v LLMNR neboli Link-Local Multicast Name Resolution. Popíšeme, jak útočník postupuje při útoku pomocí nástroje Responder, a jak se proti tomuto bezpečnostnímu riziku efektivně bránit. 

cyber rangers live

DORA v praxi

14. 11. 2024 | Praha

Cyber Security Summit 2024

13. 11. 2024 | Praha